About Tex-Isle, Inc.

Starting in the late 2000s, Tex-Isle, Inc. embarked on a strategic vertical integration process to position itself as the most competitive steel pipe and tube distributor.  Since its initiation, Tex-Isle, Inc. has brought in-house the most critical value-added services associated with the OCTG and Line Pipe Industries. Spreading across two facilities in South Texas, Tex-Isle, Inc. offers internal and external pipe coating and heat treatment, inspection, and threading of steel tubulars. 

With the opening of a new electric resistance welding (ERW) tubular mill, Tex-Isle, Inc. will complete the transformation from a distributor into a manufacturer and formally open our product lines to the standard and structural pipe markets.  Tex-Isle, Inc. provides a unique value proposition to our customers by offering a full suite of products and services. 

Since 1959, Tex-Isle, Inc. has brought a dedication to service that has provided a foundation to survive in the ultra-competitive steel industry.  As we have grown from a distributor into a manufacturer, we have not lost this mentality.  Our past guides our future.  The investments over the past decade represent our belief in and commitment to American manufacturing.